Adélie François - CG Gnome Machinomancer

Adélie loves to create things, and has ever since she was a little girl. Being a machinomancer seems to always have been her destiny, and she has jumped into the career with both feet. She currently has a tiny clockwork cat named Felia, but hopes to create a larger creature soon.

Female Rock Gnome Machinomancer3: CR 3; Small Humanoid (Gnome); HD 3d6 (Machinomancer); hp 17; Init +2; Spd 15; AC:16 (Flatfooted:14 Touch:13); Atk +2 base melee, +5 base ranged; +5 (1d6, Crossbow, light); +2 (1d4-1, Sword, short); +2 (1d3-1, Dagger); SA: Spell-like Abilities Speak with Animals 3 1 Dancing Lights 1 1 Ghost Sound 1 1 Prestidigitation 1 1 ; SQ: Low-light Vision (Ex), +4 Dodge Bonus to AC vs. Giants, Weapon Familiarity (Ex), +1 Attack vs. Orcs and Goblinoids; RF: +2 bonus for saves against illusions, Spell Like Ability: 1/day Speak with Animals (Burrowing mammal only, 1 minute), Spell Like Ability - If Charisma is over 10 - 1/day: Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation;
AL CG; SV Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2;
STR 9, DEX 14, CON 11, INT 17, WIS 12, CHA 14.

Skills: Appraise +5, Concentration +3, Craft (Alchemy) +3, Craft (Clockwork) +8, Craft (Constructs) +8, Decipher Script +4, Disable Device +6, Hide +7, Jump -7, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +11, Knowledge (Metallurgy ) +7, Listen +5, Search +5, Spot +8.

Feats: Armor Proficiency: light, Craft Wondrous Item, Educated - Architecture and Engineering, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Talented Crafter, Wealthy.

Spells Known (Machinomancer 5/6): 0 -- Cook, Flare, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost, Resistance; 1st -- Burning Hands, Feather Fall, Magic Missile

Spells Prepared (Machinomancer 5/6): 0 - Cook, Flare, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost, Resistance; 1st - Burning Hands x2, Feather Fall, Magic Missile x3.

Weapons: Crossbow, light (35 gp); Sword, short (10 gp); Dagger (2 gp); Bolts, crossbow (10) (1 gp).
Armor: Mechinomancer armor (25 gp).
Goods: Coin: gp (75) (75 gp); Pouch, potion (3 gp); Mechinomancer`s toolkit (5 gp); Pouch, belt (1 gp); Quiver (5 gp); Coin: pp (15) (15 pp); Coin: sp (30) (30 sp).

Magic: Wondrous: Mechinomancer widget, Lv 0 (25 gp); Wondrous: Mechinomancer widget, Lv 0 (25 gp); Wondrous: Mechinomancer widget, Lv 0 (25 gp); Wondrous: Mechinomancer widget, Lv 0 (25 gp); Wondrous: Mechinomancer widget, Lv 0 (25 gp); Wondrous: Mechinomancer widget, Lv 1 (25 gp); Wondrous: Mechinomancer widget, Lv 1 (25 gp); Wondrous: Mechinomancer widget, Lv 1 (25 gp); Wondrous: Goggles of Perception (2,500 gp); Potion: Healing Potion, Light (50 gp); Potion: Healing Potion, Light (50 gp); Potion: Healing Potion, Light (50 gp); Potion: Healing Potion, Light (50 gp); Potion: Healing Potion, Light (50 gp); Potion: Healing Potion, Light (50 gp).

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