Horboud Nightriver - Dwarf LG Ranger
Male Hill Dwarf Rgr3: CR 3; Medium Humanoid (Dwarf); HD 3d8+9(Ranger); hp 29; Init +3; Spd 20; AC:17 (Flatfooted:14 Touch:13); Atk +5 base melee, +6 base ranged; +6 (1d8, Crossbow, light); +1/+1 (1d8+2, Warhammer; 1d8+1, Warhammer); SQ: +1 Attack vs. Orcs and Goblinoids, +2 Appraise (Stone and Metal Items), +2 Craft (Stone and Metal Items), +2 Saves vs. Poison, +2 Saves vs. Spells and Spell-like Effects, +4 Dodge Bonus to AC vs. Giants, Darkvision (Ex): 60 ft., Stability (Ex), Stonecunning (Ex), Weapon Familiarity (Ex);
AL LG; SV Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2;
STR 14, DEX 16, CON 17, INT 11, WIS 13, CHA 12.
Skills: Climb +3, Concentration +4, Craft (Armorsmithing) +0, Craft (Blacksmithing) +0, Craft (Stonemasonry) +0, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +0, Handle Animal +3, Heal +5, Hide +5, Jump -2, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (Geography) +3, Knowledge (Nature) +3, Listen +3, Move Silently +5, Profession (Miner) +3, Ride +4, Search +3, Spot +3, Survival +6, Swim +3, Use Rope +4.
Feats: Armor Proficiency: light, Armor Proficiency: medium, Caver, Endurance, Self-Sufficient, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Track, Two-Weapon Fighting.
Weapons: Warhammer (12 gp); Warhammer (12 gp); Crossbow, light (35 gp); Bolts, crossbow (10) (1 gp).
Armor: Mithral Shirt (1,100 gp).
Goods: Coin: gp (27) (27 gp); Outfit - Explorer`s clothing (10 gp); Rations, trail (per day) (7) (35 sp); Coin: sp (6) (6 sp); Ale, gallon (2 sp); Bedroll (1 sp); Crowbar (2 gp); Flint and steel (1 gp); Mess Kit (6 sp); Quiver (5 gp).
Magic: Wondrous: Pouch of Holding Type I (1,500 gp).