Jehan - Curst CN Barbarian

Jehan is, in one word, violent. He cares little for life, including his own, and will frequently enter combat screaming war cries at the top of his lungs. More dower than the most blackhearted of dwarves and more violent than any orc, Jehan is definitely not one to cross. He has named his greataxe Lifecleaver, an action that seems to be the only joy in his life.

Male Curst Bbn3: CR 3; Medium Humanoid ; HD 3d12+3(Barbarian) ; hp 31; Init +1; Spd 40; AC:14 (Flatfooted:14 Touch:11); Atk +6 base melee, +4 base ranged; +7 (1d12+5, +1 Greataxe); SQ: Immunity: Mind-Affecting Attacks (Ex), Low-light Vision (Ex); AL CN; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2; STR 16, DEX 13, CON 13, INT 13, WIS 12, CHA 8.

Skills: Climb +6, Handle Animal +3, Hide +2, Intimidate +5, Jump +10, Listen +5, Move Silently +2, Ride +5, Survival +7, Swim +5.

Feats: Armor Proficiency: light, Armor Proficiency: medium, Cleave, Power Attack, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency.

Weapons: +1 Greataxe (2,320 gp).
Armor: Studded leather (25 gp).
Goods: Coin: gp (53) (53 gp); Boots, Low (3 sp); Coin: sp (7) (7 sp); Pouch, belt (1 gp).
Magic: Potion: Healing Potion, Moderate (300 gp).

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